Sadly we can’t have a normal wonderful Summer fair this year – BUT we’ve got a fantastic summer raffle for you! 

Please remember what you would normally spend at the summer fair and buy lots of tickets/give generously! 

Thanks to all the local businesses that have helped us, we really appreciate it. 

Buy tickets now –

There are many companies and parents to thank for donating prizes to this years summer raffle. IT’S NOW LIVE! Follow link below. What makes these donations particularly generous is that many companies and parents have had a really difficult and uncertain 18 months and many continue to feel the hit of the pandemic. The PTA is a charity and relies on the donations of you all to provide additional resources to the children at the school. Historically we raise the bulk of our annual funds from the summer fair (an amazing £6k was raised in 2019). This is the second year without a summer fair and we ask for you to give what you can towards raffle tickets to help raise funds towards the renovations to the school library. I will post a lot more detail about the cause next week. Please take a moment to look at the companies and check out their websites and support local where you can. Good luck to everyone entering!

Buy tickets now –

Your PTA x